Patrick Begou
2011-07-08 13:55:15 UTC
I think I want to do a very classical thing but I've yet spent a couple of days
on this problem and I'm still unable to solve it in the most general case. My
idea is that a user defined data type and a global communication with
MPI_AlltoAll or MPI_AlltoAllV should do the job but...
On the attached image I've presented what I try to build:
On this scheme with 6 process data are stored in large "pencils" along the X
axis (left part of the figure). I want to set them along the Y axis (right part
of the figure).
I've created 2 communicators for processes [0,1,2] and for processes [3,4,5]
because I want to try to do this with global communications.
However, All processes should not have the same amount of datas! And this is my
Suppose the grid (nx,ny,nz) is nx=7, ny=5, nz=4:
when "along X":
proc 0 has (1:7,1:2,1:2) = 28 items
proc 1 has (1:7,3:4,1:2) = 28 items
proc 2 has (1:7,5:5,1:2) = 14 items
And when "along Y", procs of this communicator have:
proc0 will have (1:3,1:5,1:2) = 30 items
proc1 will have (4:5,1:5,1:2) = 20 items
proc2 will have (6:7,1:5,1:2) = 20 items
I'm sure this is a very classical problem but I'm unable to find any algorithm
or starting documentation and I do not understand how to do this with global
communications. My application is in Fortran.
Thanks for your advices.
on this problem and I'm still unable to solve it in the most general case. My
idea is that a user defined data type and a global communication with
MPI_AlltoAll or MPI_AlltoAllV should do the job but...
On the attached image I've presented what I try to build:
On this scheme with 6 process data are stored in large "pencils" along the X
axis (left part of the figure). I want to set them along the Y axis (right part
of the figure).
I've created 2 communicators for processes [0,1,2] and for processes [3,4,5]
because I want to try to do this with global communications.
However, All processes should not have the same amount of datas! And this is my
Suppose the grid (nx,ny,nz) is nx=7, ny=5, nz=4:
when "along X":
proc 0 has (1:7,1:2,1:2) = 28 items
proc 1 has (1:7,3:4,1:2) = 28 items
proc 2 has (1:7,5:5,1:2) = 14 items
And when "along Y", procs of this communicator have:
proc0 will have (1:3,1:5,1:2) = 30 items
proc1 will have (4:5,1:5,1:2) = 20 items
proc2 will have (6:7,1:5,1:2) = 20 items
I'm sure this is a very classical problem but I'm unable to find any algorithm
or starting documentation and I do not understand how to do this with global
communications. My application is in Fortran.
Thanks for your advices.