(too old to reply)
Patrick Begou
2011-07-08 13:55:15 UTC
I think I want to do a very classical thing but I've yet spent a couple of days
on this problem and I'm still unable to solve it in the most general case. My
idea is that a user defined data type and a global communication with
MPI_AlltoAll or MPI_AlltoAllV should do the job but...

On the attached image I've presented what I try to build:
On this scheme with 6 process data are stored in large "pencils" along the X
axis (left part of the figure). I want to set them along the Y axis (right part
of the figure).
I've created 2 communicators for processes [0,1,2] and for processes [3,4,5]
because I want to try to do this with global communications.

However, All processes should not have the same amount of datas! And this is my

Suppose the grid (nx,ny,nz) is nx=7, ny=5, nz=4:
when "along X":
proc 0 has (1:7,1:2,1:2) = 28 items
proc 1 has (1:7,3:4,1:2) = 28 items
proc 2 has (1:7,5:5,1:2) = 14 items

And when "along Y", procs of this communicator have:
proc0 will have (1:3,1:5,1:2) = 30 items
proc1 will have (4:5,1:5,1:2) = 20 items
proc2 will have (6:7,1:5,1:2) = 20 items

I'm sure this is a very classical problem but I'm unable to find any algorithm
or starting documentation and I do not understand how to do this with global
communications. My application is in Fortran.

Thanks for your advices.

Omar Awile
2011-07-27 21:28:37 UTC
Hi Patrick,

(This comes a bit late, but maybe it'll still be useful for you.)
How about you determine the intersection of the x-pencils and y-pencils. This should result in a cuboid decomposition of your array (overlay the left part of your image with the right one). This should be done by all processors. What you get is a map which tells you for each processor which part of its data must go to which processor. I would do then several rounds of point-to-point communications between the different processors.


Patrick Bégou
2011-08-05 11:47:58 UTC
Post by Omar Awile
Hi Patrick,
(This comes a bit late, but maybe it'll still be useful for you.)
How about you determine the intersection of the x-pencils and y-pencils. This should result in a cuboid decomposition of your array (overlay the left part of your image with the right one). This should be done by all processors. What you get is a map which tells you for each processor which part of its data must go to which processor. I would do then several rounds of point-to-point communications between the different processors.
Thanks for your answer Omar,
I was looking for a solution with mpi_alltoall because I was thinking
that this procedure is optimized on the runing architecture but I was
unable to imagine a right algorithm for the most generic cases.

I've build a solution based on MPI_Sendrecv and communicators wich is
working. This data layout modification (previously the code was using
"slices of grid") has large side effect in the code and, if I have
validated the communication mecanism for various grid sizes and numbers
of cpus, I've not tested the code on very large configuration (from 512
up to several thousand of processes). I just hope my solution will be
quite scalable...

